This was another somewhat humorous situation. I received a series of letters (first, second) from them through the BBB with which I had filed a complaint. I am particularly amused that he says “… it has always been astounding to, on occasions, be witness to the lengths to which some people will go for such relatively insignificant causes, given the state of world affairs. The huge amount of time and resources spend on this by the BBB, the Post Office, the recipient of this complaint (mainly us) and, the source, in this case, Mr. XXX have been completely wasted, and that’s criminal. After all, time is all we have.” Can you believe the arrogance shown here? I don’t believe that millions of trees wasted are an insignificant cause. He generously offers to remove my name from the list for $50. Interestingly, this series of interactions, I never received another piece of direct mail from them.